In his first appearance in the 1999 anime series, Hisoka's hair is blue After a revamp of the show, it was replaced with a red or almost neon pink color to be in accordance with the manga In the 11 anime, Hisoka has red hair and light amber eyes In the manga, during the Yorknew City arc, Hisoka dyes his hair light green These dynamic variations in appearance illustrate the complexity of his characterFemale pubic hair is totally trending — but not in the most bodypositive way Even in 15, showing a little bush will get you kicked off Instagram, as one Australian magazine found out afterHe's probably bi Here's why I think that, In the manga he basically asks Machi to have sex with him (In the anime they made it dinner instead) So thats proof he likes females, but what about males? Hair Down Hisoka By Namusw On Tumblr Hunterxhunter Hisoka hair down 2011